Saturday, April 11, 2015

Because... "why not?"

It has been 29 days short of a year since I last updated my blog.

I can count on one hand the number of workouts I did between the middle of October and the beginning of March.

I have lost over 100# of strength on both my Deadlift and my Squat in that time.

I have battled injuries, and emotional and psychological (firefighting is all but eliminated as a possible future career option) set-backs in the last 6 months.

Today marks the second week in as many months where I worked out at least 4 times during the week, and the first time I think my body and schedule might allow me to maintain some semblance of consistency.

I recently found out that my former workout partner is moving back to town for the summer, and he has agreed to make the immense sacrifice of taking me up on my offer to work out with me in my garage/gym for free all summer.

In the spirit and tradition of this blog, I am setting a ridiculous and unrealistic goal of FINALLY hitting a 1200 Powerlifting Total at the Twin Ports Raw Open in 2016.  And, for the first time in many moons, my body's aches and pains are not laughing out loud at me for daring to hope.  They're just chortling under their breath and averting their eyes.

I am not sure why I am bothering to blog again.  I probably shouldn't waste my time - I should just do the workouts and let the last six lame months be my motivation... but I'll post this once and see if I come back.

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