Saturday, April 25, 2015

Farmer Walks FTW

I got some sweet straps from Spud Inc. designed for farmer walks.  They are technically "traveling" FW handles, but since they cost significantly less than farmer walk handles/bars, and can hold (according to Rogue, who sells the exact same pair - not sure why Spud doesn't have this on their website) up to 300lbs each (I don't foresee myself needing that), I figured they'd be just fine for my non-traveling purposes as well.

It felt pretty great, my traps are already sore an hour later, my forearms are feeling weak and shaky and I am loving it.  Great purchase!

Deadlifts were easy; Press was easy; some discomfort in the area around my spine that I injured last October while doing Presses, but nothing that makes me too nervous, yet.


DL 280x8
Press 3x5@115
Farmer Walks 90# per hand

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