Friday, July 19, 2013

"Who needs sleep? No you're never gonna get it."

Well, I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow, before work, so I knew I had to workout today and I was EXHAUSTED.  Brought the kids to the zoo yesterday and walked around in the sun and heat and didn't get to sleep until after 1 AM last night.  At the gym by 930 this morning, it was destined to be a poor showing, but I was still surprised at how heavy 330 felt on 3x3 squats.  I also had to rest for about 10 seconds between rep 7 and 8 on DL 12s.  I failed all OWU on Presses and time constraints forced me to skip Dips entirely.

Oh, and Hey there Mr. L. Bow Tendinitis, it has been a such a long time that I had forgotten all about you!  You know, I can't say I am really all that excited to see you again.


Squat 3x3@330
DL 2x380; 12x330
Press 180x0; 190 (skipped); 150x7,6,6
Dips skipped.

I was grateful to still get 7,6,6 on Press considering my monumental failure on OWU.  OWU really bugged me since I wanted so badly to tie my all-time PR 1RM on Press.  I couldn't even get 180 up!!  Boo!  Oh well.  There is always next week... assuming I get more sleep.

But, who really needs sleep anyway?

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