Here are Mark Rippetoe's 1 Rep Max Strength Standards Tables. He has all sorts of disclaimers about them (some useful, others meaningless) but if just for fun, check them out and see where you stand.
If anyone out there actually both reads my blog and does these lifts, post a comment where you fall on the tables. Then set a goal for where you'll be in 6 months!
At the 220 weight class (I am a little bit heavier than that, but not by much) I am, in order of Press, Bench, Squat, DL, and Power Clean, Categories IV, III, III, III, and III.
Press: I JUST squeaked into Cat IV, so making Cat V in six months would be quite a feat... maybe I could make it a goal to get down to 198# class? I dunno... just thinking "out load."
Bench: Making Cat IV would be AWESOME!!
Squat: Squatting over 400# has been my goal for a loooooong time. It is the MAN squat. I think it is definitely doable by the end of the year.
DL: Likewise, DLing over 500# is the year-end goal, so Cat IV is very doable.
Power Cleans: I am not going to set a goal, I think. I have not cleaned in a while, and have no intentions of doing so for some time to come. Oh well.
So, Goal Recap: be at the 198 pound class and be at Cats V, IV, IV, IV, and Who Knows (for P.Cleans)?
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