In the gym solo this morning, so we know what that means, right folks? That's right: Another episode of Programming A.D.D.! Today's edition: Deadlift 1RM PR attempt!
Previous 1RM PR was 455 from 2015. I misremembered it as 465, so going for a 5lb PR ended up being a 15lb PR attempt. Went for 470... Nailed it!! (See video) Followed it up with 380x5 for a workset. Felt easy - probably could have gotten more, but I forced myself to be happy with a PR so I could do my workset, and avoid injury.
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Current training PL total is 1175! 25lbs from my goal!!
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**Update, 19 January 2018: I feel great today! Often, if I did something wrong to injure myself during a PR attempt, the full effects aren't felt until the following morning. But as far as I can tell, I am good! 😎
Well, the impulsive, ill-advised, programming ADD addled 405 Squat aggravated my left elbow tendinitis pretty badly. I took Nov 15th to Dec 15th off to rehab. Been back to it for about a month and am pretty close to back to where I was, but have been taking it a bit easily to make sure to not to re-aggravate it.
An awesome benefactor sent me elbow sleeves, and they have been working swimmingly.