Well, with a set back in DL and Bench (2.5# deload on DL and still had to pause between reps 4 and 5; 2.5# deload on Bench OWU and only got 1--I got 2 at this weight before), I felt the need to do something crazy (even though my left elbow already was showing signs it was going to be in pain). I tested my 1RM on Squat. It was at the end of a workout that included heavy DLs, so I am hoping I can actually do more, but as it stands, 2.5 was the number of the day: I got a 2½ pound 1RM PR on Squat for 387.5!!
To Recap--PRs set since my return from hiatus:
Press: 200x1
DL: 457.5x1
Squat: 3x5@325
Squat: 387.5x1!
Very exciting. According to most 1RM calculators this falls over 10 pounds short of where I could/should be, but it is still a PR! I am quite stoked!
I put 365 on the bar, and since all my dumps have come from being a bit too far forward, I sat a touch farther back than normal--and wouldn't you know it, I failed and was forced to dump backwards. Since I have never done it, and I was barely out of the hole when it happened, I couldn't get out from under the bar and ended up just sitting down and falling backwards, pinning my arm between the rack and the 365# bar. Quite painful--not to mention it wrenched my left elbow quite painfully. I was able to wriggle out and unload the bar. If I was smart, I would have just racked the weights. Dumping 20# less than my previous PR meant no records were being set today, and with the amount of pain my elbow was in, it surely would be only foolishness to even try. So, of course, I put 365 right back on the bar! The second attempt was successful--although it felt a bit high--so I put 385 on it. I had just dumped 365 a moment ago, so I decided I'd only try this once. So, why not go for a PR? I got out my micro-loading plates and got under the bar before I could change my mind. The mid point stuck and I felt like I was there for an eternity. My elbow was on fire and I could feel my form was atrocious--practically Good Morning-ing the whole dang thing. But mercifully it started to move, and I didn't even stand all the way up before my body involuntarily moved to the rack--I just needed the weight off of my back. It would have been red lit for sure, but I did it!
I picked up my phone to text my brother, friend, and wife (three different people, haha!) and my left arm was in so much pain I couldn't hold the phone, let alone text. I put the phone in my lap and did it with one hand. It was super stupid--but sooo awesome!
DL 427.5x4, 30 sec, 1
Bench 267.5x1; 230x5,5,6
Squat 387.5x1
Chins 8,8,10
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