Well, it was getting late and I was watching the boys while my wife was at work, so I played with them a bit so I didn't have time to do sled work--it was dark and I am not interested in pissing off the neighbors. Unfortunately, it has become more important than ever that I do my conditioning. I just found out that my LDL is at 144 (High is 99, says my doc's nurse). So, no more McD's burgers for a while.
Squats felt good, I guess. I felt weak, actually, but I got them all. I am not sure if I did 6 or 7 on set three because I lost count focusing on form.
Rows were easy.
I did Power Cleans for the first time in a very very long time. I kept it light. Felt good. With the tight quarters in the garage, it may never be safe for me to push cleans very much, but I am glad I can do them pain-free (so far).
Abs were weird. I felt like I was going to do more than last time easily, and my first set of sit-ups I did 5 more. Then I went to do toes-to-bars and did half of what I did last time. I felt weak all of a sudden.
So, adding cleans, focusing on conditioning, and cleaning up my diet will hopefully keep me off Statin AND keep me alive.
Squats 192.5x5; 222.5x5; 250x6
Rows 3x5@207
P.Cleans 3x65, 95, 115, 135, 145
Sit-ups 15, 10
Toes-to-bars 5, 5
Glad to see you're not planning on dying on us. Keep on cleaning, bro!