Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Power ADHD

Well, on a whim, I foolishly decided to test my 1RM on the Squat--without even knowing if I was going to be ABLE to squat.  I got to 365, felt at least 370 in me, but decided to cool it.  Whims shouldn't be followed--but I never learn that.  I need to FOLLOW MY PLAN!

Elbows were fine all the way through Squat, DL, and Press.  During my car ride to work, I started doing a little Captains of Crush work, and my elbow started to feel uncomfortable.  By the end of my work shift, I needed some Vitamin I and Equi-Block on both my left elbow and shoulder.  I am not too worried, but if this persists after my next squat/press day, we'll have to reevaluate how much recovery time I am giving myself.
During squats I focused (as always) on tight back and no weight on the wrists--but this time, per the suggestion of a friend, I tried tucking my pinkie under the bar to change the forearm angle.  We'll see if this helps long term, but my squat was pain-free today!

DL was tough.  390x3 was a huge grinder--I have probably never completed a rep that ground as much as rep three did.  I had to pause quite a lot between several reps before getting all 12 of my work set, too.  Tough tough DL day.  Is this from a lack of squatting?  Is the Leg Press coming back to bite me?

Set another Press 1RM PR with 197.5!  200 is just 10ish days away!  Since I was going back down to grab a works set (or three) at 157.5, I was fully expecting 7s across.  In stead, I got the same as I have been getting lately: 7, 6, 6.  It is okay, though, because next press day should be an improvement over last week's 160x6, 5, 5.


Squat 1x365
DL 390x3; 340x12
Press 1x197.5; 157.5x7, 6, 6.

Dips are on hold indefinitely.

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